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MAC OS Download Hub MAY,31 2020




Clean Me 1.4.1 

BBC iPlayer Downloads 2.12.4 

Digital Clock 4.7.7

Dropbox for Mac 

LibreOffice Fresh 

PanConvert for Mac 

SUNRISE Contacts 2020 2.5.2 

SyncMate 8.1.475  

Viber for Mac  

WhatsApp 2.2021.4   

!!!!  Do not update these applications to avoid losing their functionality.



Viber for Mac    




User friendly interface
Groups conversations
HD voice calls
Free text and photo messages
Synchronization features
Transfer ongoing calls between devices


Compatible mobile device
64-bit processor

About Viber:

Viber is a streamlined macOS application that helps you send free text messages and make calls to other Viber users. In addition, Viber automatically synchronizes your contacts, call history and messages between the Mac and your mobile device. Moreover, Viber also enables its users to easily start a conversation on the mobile app and continue it from their Mac or vice versa.

Viber  Updated: May 29, 2020

Offers you the possibility to use the Viber service capabilities from your desktop, and keep in touch with your friends and family
Viber is an instant messaging solution that enables you to send text messages or make audio or video calls, for your computer to a mobile device, by using your internet connection. To be able to use the Viber service, you must first install the Viber client on a mobile device.

Start by registering for a Viber account free of charge on your mobile phone: the developers currently provide clients for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and Nokia devices.

Connect to your Viber account within the desktop client

The next step is to connect the Viber desktop client to your desktop account: you must provide your phone number, and the app will connect with the client installed on your mobile device.

This way, Viber will sync all your contacts, messages, or call history to your desktop client, allowing you to make calls or send messages to your friends in no time.

Streamlined and intuitive user interface

The Viber main window is organized in two sections: on the left you can see the contacts list (all your friends that are using a Viber account), while on the right you can visualize individual conversations.

Naturally, Viber allows you to receive and send text messages, but can also be used for voice and video calls. Moreover, the application comes with a keypad that can be used to call people that are not included in your contacts list.

User friendly desktop client for the Viber instant messaging service

Viber is a great tool to have around if you are looking for a way to communicate with people all over the world, by taking advantage of your internet connection. The app is able to work with various audio or video input sources, can send text or audio notifications, and provides clients for most popular mobile devices.



WhatsApp 2.2021.4    



A mobile phone that has the WhatsApp utility installed
64-bit processor

About WhatsApp:

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends. 

Official desktop client for the WhatsApp Web platform that enables you to take advantage of what the service has to offer without cluttering your web browser

WhatsApp is a mobile messaging app that enables you to communicate with your friends via text messages by using your data plan instead of having the carrier deliver SMS messages that you must pay individually, hence increasing your costs.

The WhatsApp desktop app enables you to use the service from the comfort of your Mac, without going through a web browser, as long as the computer is connected to your mobile device.

Link your Mac and your mobile phone by using the QR Code scanner

The WhatsApp desktop client is essentially a standalone application for the WhatsApp Web platform, which means the same rules apply when connecting to the network. You must use the QR Code scanner incorporated in the mobile app to scan the code generated on the desktop side.

Note that WhatsApp provides companion apps for some of the most popular mobile operating systems available, such as iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia Symbian, Nokia S40, or Windows Phone. This way, you get to connect your Mac to the WhatsApp service regardless of the mobile phone model.

Chat with your friends, include emoticons in your messages or share and receive files

The WhatsApp OS X app provides support for all the web platform capabilities, going from starting new conversations or groups to capturing photos with the help of the iSight camera and sharing them with your friends.

The WhatsApp utility also integrates with the OS X Notification Center, and you get to receive both audio and desktop alerts. The notifications can also include text previews. Moreover, WhatsApp also enables you to disable them for a given period.

Official desktop client for the WhatsApp mobile messaging platform

To sum up, WhatsApp offers you the possibility to keep in touch with your friends and receive or share documents from the comfort of a desktop application. The app relies on the WhatsApp account active on your mobile phone and also has access to the conversation’s history.




LibreOffice Fresh 


About LibreOffice:


LibreOffice is a powerful office suite; Its clean interface and its powerful tools let you unleash your creativity and grow your productivity. LibreOffice embeds several applications that make it the most powerful Free & Open Source Office suite on the market: Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreasheet application, Impress, the presentation engine, Draw, our drawing and flowcharting application, Base, our database and database frontend, and Math for editing mathematics. 

Open source office suite that features a word-processor (Writer), presentations and graphics tools (Impress and Draw), a spreadsheet app (Calc) along with database, mathematical (Math) and other useful office tools

LibreOffice is the first app that should come to your mind if you want a free word processor, slideshow maker, spreadsheet, database manager and basic vector drawing creator.

Intuitive word processor, spreadsheet and drawing app

Moreover, LibreOffice is a free and open-source application suite that offers a word processor (Writer), presentations and graphics applications (Impress and Draw), a spreadsheet app (Calc) along with database, mathematical (Math) and other useful tools.

Installing LibreOffice is a very simple task, and the entire process requires a simple drag and drop action of the app from the mounted disk image to your Mac's Applications folder.

The support for the latest Microsoft Office formats in addition to its native ODT format along with the cost of the app makes LibreOffice the ideal solution for students and organizations that require the use of open formats and open-source apps.

Compatibility with a wide variety of document formats

In addition, LibreOffice is capable of opening legacy documents create by old Windows and MS-DOS applications. The graphics module also helps you open vector graphics in Visio or CorelDraw formats.

From LibreOffice's main window you will be able to choose between six different office management tools such as Text document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Drawing Database and Formula.

If you are familiar with Microsoft Office or Apple's iWork, you will be able to recognize most functions and features. Writer is the equivalent to Microsoft Word and Apple's Pages, Calc is synonymous with Excel and Numbers while Impress is similar to Keynote and PowerPoint.

Comprehensive collection of office tools

Furthermore, LibreOffice handles pretty well all documents with simple formatting, although you will encounter some compatibility issues with documents with more complex formatting and graphics.

On the whole, although LibreOffice might not be a better alternative to Microsoft Office or Apple's iWork suite for some users, it might be the ideal solution for those who need a free office suite or have to work with odd formats or legacy documents.



Dropbox for Mac    


About Dropbox:

Put your stuff in Dropbox and get to it from your computers, phones, or tablets. Edit docs, automatically add photos, and show off videos from anywhere. Share photos with friends. Work with your team like you're using a single computer. Everything's automatically private, so you control who sees what. Even if your phone goes for a swim, your stuff is always safe in Dropbox and can be restored in a snap. 

You can store up to 2 GB of data using a free account.


Fast synchronization engine between multiple platforms
Automatic syncs when files change
Collaboration between members of the same team via shared folders
Online backups
Undo all the changes made in the last 30 days (unlimited undo under a paid plan)
Old versions restore
Web interface for managing the files in your Dropbox account
SSL encrypted transfers


Dropbox account
At least 512 MB of RAM

An intuitive and very easy to use application that makes backup, syncing and sharing secure and a lot easier on all supported platforms

NOTE: It is strongly recommended making a backup of your Dropbox before upgrading to a Beta or Experimental version. 

Dropbox is a streamlined and comprehensive cross-platform online storage and synchronization utility, designed to store your data in the cloud and automatically keep it in sync between multiple desktop and mobile devices at a time.

Cloud based file synchronization app with upload automation

Once Dropbox uploads your files onto its cloud storage servers, you can effortlessly generate and share public links to your files in order to allow friends and colleagues to access your data with ease and simplicity.

All you need to do in order to use the Dropbox  application is to copy your files within the Dropbox folder created on your Mac’s hard drive during the installation process, and they will be instantly synced to all your other devices running the app once the app detects any changes.

Moreover, Dropbox makes it very easy to work with your team and friends by helping you share project files, music, photos, videos or any other type of document via a simple drag and drop.

Built-in 256-bit AES encryption, as well as team based file sharing and versioning

Most importantly, if you are concerned about protecting your data and your privacy against prying eyes, Dropbox will encrypt your files using the 256-bit AES encryption algorithm before sending them over the web to the cloud storage server.

For business users, and for a monthly fee, Dropbox also provides unlimited version history for all synchronized files, which enables large teams to track any changes made within all documents of the currently running project in order to recover them or restore to a previous state at any given time.

As an extra advantage, Dropbox also allows you to link or unlink devices with a simple click of a button. Thus, if one of your linked devices is not available any more, or has been stolen, you can effortlessly unlink it from Dropbox, preventing unwanted access to your files.

Cross-platform and user-oriented data backup, share and synchronization app

Taking everything in consideration, Dropbox is a very useful multi-platform backup and sync utility, also designed to help you rapidly share your work or files with your friends and colleagues.

With the use of a user-friendly and lightweight app and the latest cloud technologies, Dropbox provides you with one of the easiest ways storing data in the cloud and sharing it with others with a simple flick of your mouse.



BBC iPlayer Downloads 2.12.4  


About BBC iPlayer Downloads:


BBC iPlayer Downloads is an easy to use and cross-platform utility that will enable you to download and watch BBC television shows on your Mac. If you download the TV and radio shows to your computers you will also be able to watch them when you are not connected to the internet.

A powerful and reliable utility that allows you to stay up to date with BBC's radio and television shows from within a well-designed user interface
  Downloading from BBC iPlayer is only available in the UK.

BBC iPlayer Downloads is a handy and intuitive macOS application that enables you to access the internet television and radio services provided by the well-known British public service broadcasting statutory corporation.

Helps you download and watch BBC TV shows, as well as listen to radio programmes

Thanks to BBC iPlayer Downloads, you can quickly and effortlessly download TV and radio shows to your Mac and watch or listen to them at your own convenience.

It is worth mentioning that you are required to have an UK IP address in order to take full advantage of the features BBC iPlayer Downloads has to offer and gain unrestricted access to the multimedia content made available by the service.

With BBC iPlayer Downloads’ help, you can find and play programmes from the past seven days and watch them directly from within the application. On top of that, you have the option to download and stream HD programmes with ease.

Restricted access to multimedia content from outside UK

Unfortunately, Mac users that intend to use BBC iPlayer from outside UK have access only to live radio programmes or recording.

In order to download TV programmes on you Mac and play them on your Mac, you first have to visit the BBC iPlayer Downloads website and download them from there.

All downloaded content is made available for 30 days and you are allowed to play them as many times as you wish for the following 7 days after you played them for the first time.

Setup parental control and schedule your downloads

The Preferences panel helps you restrict access to guidance-labelled programme unless a password is provided. On top of that, you can adjust the amount of space allocated for BBC iPlayer Downloads’s library, schedule series record downloads and configure BBC iPlayer to start at login.

All in all, BBC iPlayer Downloads is a practical and easy-to-use macOS application that makes it easy for you to download, watch and listen to TV and radio programmes.



SUNRISE Contacts 2020 2.5.2  


About SUNRISE Contacts:


SUNRISE Contacts is an expert information management application which features unlimited entry storage for each company and individual contact. Moreover, SUNRISE Contacts' lookup databases are linked to your contacts  which are quickly expanded to give you access to all stored information. Custom database queries may also be created to fulfill any specific needs you may have regarding database lookup.


Customizable labels
Built-in web browser
Handy calendar
Finance features

64-bit processor

A fully-featured contacts manager that enables you to store and organize an unlimited number of entries from within a user-friendly interface

SUNRISE Contacts is a powerful and comprehensive contacts manager that provides the required tools and features to organize and handle a large number of entries.

On top of that, SUNRISE Contacts comes with a built-in web browser, email client, note manager,  financial tools, invoice generator, calendar and other handy tools. The best part is that you can access all these and even more directly from within SUNRISE Contacts’ main window.

Keep all your contacts and personal data in one place

As follows, SUNRISE Contacts provides almost anything you might need to manage your contacts, monitor and track your daily tasks, generate invoices and manage your sales.

In addition, SUNRISE Contacts makes it easy for you to search through various databases that offer information about airport and area codes, geographical details, IP to country info, jobs databases and many more.

Browser various databases and access the needed data

SUNRISE Contacts helps you apply different labels, attach documents, set meetings and appointments in the built-in calendar, visit web pages and sent emails without opening any other app. Each entry comes with numerous fields designed to store as much information about your contact as possible.

Furthermore, thanks to the built-in search form, you also have the power to quickly find contacts and filter the displayed entries based on exiting categories. The File menu helps you import and export entries and change the access password with ease.

Effortlessly find any given contacts with just a few keystrokes

At the same time, the Insert menu allows you to attach audio and video files, PDF documents, images and other files. Additionally, the featured finance tools can be used to handle your founding sources, generate graphics, manage your sales and create orders, as well as invoices.

All in all, SUNRISE Contacts is a comprehensive information and contacts organization utility for the Mac that makes it possible to keep all your important info under wraps and keep it neatly cataloged with ease.


Digital Clock 4.7.7   


About Digital Clock:

Digital Clock displays a fully customizable timer on your desktop that can be moved to any position or have its appearance changed in multiple ways. The app offers support for numerous plugins that can further personalize the clock's appearance and add extra functionality. 


Signals (alarm + every hour signal)
Any clock color
Texture instead of color
Ready for Retina display

64-bit processor

Add a fully customizable digital clock on your Mac's desktop that can be personalized in various ways and enhanced with additional plugins
There are various ways to enhance the appearance of your Mac’s desktop, and many prefer to add a digital clock on their screen that enables them to keep track of time without having to squint at the relatively small one displayed in the status bar. Digital Clock is an app designed for this particular purpose, and offers a broad range of customization options, enabling you to change the clock's appearance and add additional functionality with the help of plugins.

Easy-to-use app that makes it simple to create a personalized clock

After installing Digital Clock, you can access Settings menu from the app’s status bar icon whenever you wish to change the clock’s visual appearance or enable additional plugins.

All of the application’s functions are self-explanatory, and you can view and changes you make to the digital display in real-time.

There are a number of skins to choose from, and while the default one has a very simple layout, there are many other versions that cater to those who want more artistic designs. Moreover, it can use one of the fonts installed on your system.

One negative aspect we have noticed is that when using certain skins or fonts, the clock appears to ‘flash’ whenever the displayed time changes, which can become quite irritating.

Fully customizable clock that can be modified to suit every user’s preferences

You can change the clock’s opacity and size, increase or decrease the space between digits, modify its color or even insert an image file that can be used as a texture for the entire clock or the individual elements.

Additionally, you can specify if the clock should always remain on top of other windows, lock its position on your desktop and disable separator flashes.

In addition to the standard functions offered by the application, you can choose to enable a series of optional plugins that change the clock’s appearance or extend its functionality.

For example, you can add alarm and scheduler functions, have the application move the clock on your desktop automatically, as well as display the current date or quick notes below the timer.

Useful tool that can have its feature set extended with additional plugins

All in all, Digital Clock ticks most of the right boxes, and the only negative aspect worth mentioning is the fact that the timer appears to ‘flash’ whenever the displayed time changes.

However, the app is easy-to-use and offers plenty of functions to ensure any user can create a personalized clock on their desktop whose visual design and feature set they are happy with.



Clean Me 1.4.1   


Easy to use system cleaner that can get rid of some unnecessary files, logs and cache data, which may be taking up valuable disk space

 If your Mac comes with limited storage, which is often the case for lower-spec Macbooks, disk space is a valuable asset. It is not uncommon for certain applications to store files and logs that are unnecessary but are difficult to access, and even the cache data generated by some programs sometimes needs to be removed.

Clean Me is a very straightforward app that lets you find this potentially unneeded content and remove it in a couple of steps. It is lightweight, open-source and remarkably simple to use.

Scan for potentially unnecessary files

First of all, you will need to analyze your storage in order to see which types of items are taking up the most space. You may find that things like downloads, temporary files or saved mail attachments are to blame, and you can generally remove them without a second thought.

Of course, for other types of files, you may have to think twice before deleting them. Cache data, for instance, is necessary for applications to run faster, and it will be generated again when you launch the app that created it in the first place. If it's a program you no longer use, however, the cache files are unnecessary.

Remove junk and free up disk space

Once you've analyzed your Mac's storage, you need to select the items that should be deleted. The app lets you know how much disk space will be regained, and you can also open the folders and remove files manually — this is a particularly good idea when dealing with cache data.

It is worth remembering that all files removed by Clean Me will be deleted immediately instead of being sent to the trash. Make sure you know exactly what you are cleaning and make backups if necessary.

Simple and useful

All things considered, Clean Me is a fairly basic junk cleaner. It doesn't come with any innovative features, but it is free, open-source and very easy to use. If you're trying to salvage some disk space, this app is a good solution to try out first.


PanConvert for Mac  


About PanConvert:

PanConvert is a cross platform GUI application for the document converter pandoc. Some converters like HTML, OPML, Markdown and LaTeX can be conveniently used by just clicking and then converting the loaded or typed text. Some more advanced functions of pandoc have to be typed in as parameters.

Convert documents between multiple markup formats with this intuitive GUI for the Pandoc command-line utility that supports batch processing

PanConvert is a handy utility that takes advantage of the extensive capabilities of Pandoc, a versatile command-line tool for converting documents between multiple markup formats.

It seeks to improve upon the latter by providing an intuitive GUI, making it accessible for users who prefer not to work with the command console.

User-friendly frontend for the Pandoc markup converter

Before anything else, you need to install Pandoc on your Mac, if you have not already done so. PanConvert attempts to locate the binary automatically, but you may have to set the path yourself from the app’s preferences.

Optionally, you can also provide the location of your Multimarkdown installation to enable conversion from Markdown to Lyx.

Versatile markup conversion utility that be used for numerous purposes

PanConvert offers support for all Pandoc formats and allows you to convert from HTML, Latex, Markdown and OPML to Latex, OPML, Markdown, HTML and Lyx.

Assuming you are familiar with the various Pandoc parameters, you can enter them in the 'Options' field, separated by semicolons. For some operations, the field can be left blank, but it needs to be filled when processing certain formats.

Helpful application that supplies predefined conversion settings and supports batch processing

PanConvert can aid users who are not well versed in the Pandoc syntax, as it provides a series or presets for various conversion jobs. All you need to do is select the correct one, and you are good to go.

Moreover, the application is capable of processing multiple files in one operation. This feature could save you a significant amount of time and effort whenever large numbers of documents need to be converted.

On the whole, PanConvert is a handy app that provides a more intuitive alternative to using Pandoc from the command-line. It is relatively easy to use and offers multiple conversion presets, in addition to a batch processing mode.


SyncMate 8.1.475   


About SyncMate:

SyncMate is an OS X app that allows syncing Macs with Windows Mobile, Android and Nokia S40 devices, iOS devices, other Macs or PCs, Google and Dropbox accounts, any mounted storage devices, Sony PSP and allows backing up data online. SyncMate is offered in Free and Expert editions. SyncMate lets you sync Address Book and iCal between Mac and supported devices. Sync with Google and Dropbox accounts is also available. Free SyncMate offers 50MB space of online storage. 


Expert Edition features:
Sync iTunes and Photos
Mount devices as Mac disks
SMS Manager and Call History
Bookmarks & Reminders sync
Sync whole folders
Automatic Sync and Backup


Support for a wide variety of devices and services
Backup features
Password protection
Contacts and Calendar entries synchronizer
SMS reader
iTunes playlist and iPhoto library sync options
Built-in video converter and image resizer
Safari bookmarks synchronizer

64-bit processor


Easy-to-use, handy synchronizer that will help you keep your notes, docs, contacts and other files organized and synced across multiple devices

SyncMate is a fully-featured macOS data synchronization utility that enables you to quickly and effortlessly transfer information and data between multiple devices from within a simple and intuitive interface.

Support for various mobile devices and cloud services

Thanks to SyncMate, you can synchronize your Mac with Android devices, iPhones, iPads, iPods touch, and other Macs.

On top of that, SyncMate is fully compatible with Dropbox and Google Drive, iCloud, Office 365 and MTP devices.

Furthermore, SyncMate allows you to sync your computer with multiple devices, all at the same time in order to avoid wasting precious time with the synchronization process. You just have to download SyncMate and let the app do the hard work for you.

Advanced synchronization options

SyncMate helps you synchronize your Calendar, Reminders and Contacts entries, as well as Safari bookmarks along with your iTunes and iPhoto library. You can even synchronize multiple folders, filter the synced files and configure SyncMate to automatically convert image and video files to the desired resolution and format before transferring them to the desired device.

The conversion feature comes with a series of video and audio encoding profiles to which you can also add your own custom profiles. You can setup an encoding profile by selecting the desired audio or video format, codec, resolution, frame and bit rate, as well as sample rate.

Calendar, Contacts and Reminders

If you want to sync your contacts, calendar events and reminders you’ll be happy to know that you can customize the synchronization process and decide exactly what info is transferred or deleted. Hence, you can choose which calendars you want to sync and which events from the past or future should be synced.

In addition, you can specify which Contacts groups should be transferred and what Reminders list you want to sync. Just like in the case of the Calendar, you can define the time period from which the entries are synced.

Safari Bookmarks synchronization

SyncMate is also capable to synchronize your bookmarks with other devices and it even allows you to decide where to store your synchronized bookmarks. For all above-mentioned sync options, you can choose the direction of the data and info transfer.

Thus, you can synchronize both ways, from your Mac to another computer or device and vice versa or only in one direction, from your Mac to a device or from a device / computer to your Mac.