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OS X Cracked Utilities 19 oct 2017 [cutl]

Alien Skin Exposure X3 Bundle [En]

Camtasia 3.1.1 [En]

DaVinci Resolve Studio 14.0.1+ easyDCP [En] 

FileMaker Pro 16 Advanced [Multi]

iMazing 2.4.3 [Multi/Ru]

Luminar 1.2.2 [Multi/Ru]


Productivity Lab for Pages - Templates Bundle 3.2.1 [En]

QuarkXPress 2017 13.1.0 [Multi/Ru]

Swift Publisher 5.0.4 [En]



   5,6 GB
             Alien Skin Exposure X3 Bundle [En]

The release took place: 10.10.2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.10 or higher
Language: English
Type of medicine: replacing files
System requirements:
OS X 10.10 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 


A collection of all the latest released at the moment graphic filters company Alien Skin 
Software for Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements and Apple Aperture. These 
filters will be useful for both novice and professional users listed graphics editors. With them 
you can easily and accurately process or decorate your picture.

Additional information:

Alien Snap Art - this plugin is designed to transform photographs into paintings and drawings
hand-drawn variety of styles.
Alien Exposure - a standalone program and plugin for Photoshop and other graphics editors. 
Designed for true connoisseurs of photography and allows you to change photos adding 
different effects: imitation frame from the film, simulation shooting analog camera, bokeh, 
vignettes and more.

Alien Skin Blow Up plugin for Adobe Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom. Blow Up produces 
an increase to 3600% without the appearance of step artifacts and glows. High-quality image 
resizing, better than bicubic interpolation and changing image size, preserves smooth crisp 
edges and lines.

Installation procedure:

- Mount image and start the installer application
- Run the application in trial mode and close it
- Replace the file Alien Skin Exposure X3 from the folder crk in Applications/Alien Skin 
Exposure X3/ Contents/MacOS
- Replace the file Alien Skin Snap Art 4 from the folder crk in Applications/Alien Skin Snap Art 
4/ Contents/MacOS
- Replace the file Alien Skin Blow Up 3 from the folder crk in /Computer/Your 
name/Library/Application Support/Alien Skin /Blow Up 3/Alien Skin Blow 
- Ready!
or carefully read the Read me file

            Camtasia 3.1.1 [En]


The release took place: 04.10.2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.10 or higher
Language: English
Type of medicine: keygen
System requirements:
OS X 10.10 or higher
Intel 64-bit processor 


Camtasia for Mac is an effective application to create a variety of videos: from visual 
presentations to video tutorial and demo slides for presentations. Camtasia for Mac 3 makes 
the process of video creation and editing faster and more convenient. With a new user-
friendly software tools time on the rollers is reduced by 40-60%, but the video itself is of 
higher quality. Camtasia will help to prepare your materials and professionally to implement 
the ideas. Your video projects created with Camtasia, perfectly fit into the design of the web 
page or blog, they can be burned to a CD or any portable device.

Added ability to import PowerPoint files

Added new device frames

Added quick properties

Fixed a bug where audio effects would not work on videos exported at frame rates other than 

30 fps

Fixed a bug that caused panning on the canvas to pan in an inconsistent behavior

Other bug fixes and improvements

Installation procedure:

Mount image and drag the application icon to the applications folder

To register the data obtained using kg

            DaVinci Resolve Studio 14.0.1+ easyDCP [En]     


The release took place: October 09, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.12 +
Language: English
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated)
System requirements:
OS X 10.12 or later,
64-bit processor


The most modern set of tools for editing, color correcting and sound processing in a single 

In the production of feature films and television series DaVinci Resolve used most other 
software products, because it allows you to perform grading at an exceptionally high level.

Relatively recently we added professional installation and latest version of DaVinci Resolve 
14, additionally contains the tools Fairlight for sound processing. Instead of the three 
applications is enough to have one, while to switch between different tasks only need to 
click the mouse button. In addition, there is the possibility of joint work of several people in 
one project. DaVinci Resolve 14 sets new standards in post-production material.

Version 14.0.1:

 Added support for HEVC decode on DaVinci Resolve on macOS High Sierra

 Added support for hardware accelerated HEVC decode on macOS High Sierra

 Added support for hardware accelerated HEVC encode on macOS High Sierra on supported 


 Added support for hardware accelerated HEVC decode on supported NVIDIA GPUs on 

DaVinci Resolve Studio on Windows and Linux

 Media Pool thumbnails now has an indicator for embedded mattes

 Dragging nodes from Gallery stills now honors the "Apply Grade Using" setting

 Improved Loudness Metering on the Fairlight page

 Added support for setting the Loudness scale in Project Settings

 Added support for 7.1 audio track type on the timeline and Clip Attributes

 Added support for automatically tagging 7.1 audio clips in Clip Attributes

 Added support for dynamics for audio buses in the Audio Mixer

 Added support for navigating between previous and next keyframes in the Fairlight page 


 Added support for picker RGB values when using setting the black or white point

 Added support for picker RGB values when using the color picker in OpenFX and 

ResolveFX plugins

 Added ability to select one or multiple tracks by Command/Ctrl+clicking from the Audio 


 Added support single and multi frame nudge in the Fairlight page

 Added support for DNxHD and DNxHR in an MXF container for Fusion Connect

 General performance and stability improvements 

Installation procedure:

Mount the image and see Readme.txt why so ...

Further to the selection, installation as you normally would or by using the Open Gatekeeper 


            FileMaker Pro 16 Advanced [Multi]

The release took place: October 2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.11 or higher
Language: English, French, Italian, German etc.
Treatment: complete
System requirements:
OS X 10.11 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 


Create a customized app for your business

FileMaker Pro is powerful and easy software to create custom applications that seamlessly 
run on iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and browsers.

Easily create your own custom applications that meet unique and constantly changing needs 
of your business. A source of inspiration for you can be a built-in starter solutions for 
managing contacts, inventory, content, etc. In FileMaker Pro there are 16 standard solutions 
created for the task management using layouts for iPad, iPhone and is designed for both 
established clients and for browsers. You will be able to begin work on managing contacts, 
assets, content, invoices and more within minutes. In addition, you are able to make the 
necessary changes in the model solutions depending on their needs.

Installation procedure:

Mount the image and run the installer
During the installation process to register data from a text file

When you register use any name or company
Do not register the program after finish the installation on the developer's site.
Don't need FileMaker to block with Little Snitch or other firewall applications.

            iMazing 2.4.3 [Multi/Ru]


The release took place: October 09, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.9 +
Interface language: Russian, English, German etc.
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated)
System requirements:
Intel, 64-bit processor
OS X 10.9 or later
iTunes 12.2.0 or later
iOS 4.0 or later


iMazing: a great alternative to iTunes

Agree, iTunes is a great tool to work with idevices and media files, but it lacks something. To 
understand what exactly developers have decided softiny iMazing, which not only can be a 
chic substitute "Apple" for the service, but also an indispensable tool for the normal 
functioning of your iPhone or iPad.

 iMazing allows the user to work with files absolute in any format, including and entire 
applications with the data stored – the software can really be completely safe up. Sync 
gadget iMazing does not require, unlike iTunes.

Version: 2.4.3

Fixes in version 2.4.3 (8015)

Photos: HEIC to JPEG conversion, exported files are now lighter by default (95% quality)

Photos: HEIC to JPEG conversion, exported JPEG files now include EXIF metadata

Improved “Unlock device with passcode” dialog boxes, clicking cancel will suspend unlock 

prompts for the device until the next user action which requires it

Better handling of NAS backups

Mini: Improved backup notification reporting

Mini: Prioritise devices which haven’t been backed up

Minor bug fixes and improvements 

Installation procedure:

Mount the image and see Readme.txt why so ...

Further to the selection, installation as you normally would or by using the Open Gatekeeper 



           Luminar 1.2.2 [Multi/Ru]


The release took place: September 29, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10.5 
Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated)

System requirements:
Intel, 64-bit processor
OS X 10.10.5 or later
Processor Core 2 Duo from late 2009 or newer


Luminar is the world's first photo editor that adapts to your style and skill level. Luminar 
makes complex editing simple and enjoyable. Luminar is based on the latest technology of 
photo processing, Macphun team with more than 10 years of experience developing award-
winning and loved by millions.

Adaptive interface that inspires you to do more - while other photo editors offer you to adapt 
to their interface, Luminar adapts to your skill level. There is no need to deal with dozens of 
sliders, if you just want to remove an object from an image or apply a preset. But if you need 
to perform some serious tasks, you can easily get access to all the advanced functions. Enjoy, 
using only the necessary tools, effects and functions that you actually use for your photos.

Version 1.2.2:

Full High Sierra support (OS X 10.13)

Speed & performance improvements

Minor bug fixes, including the possibility to save the mask in the document

OS X 10.10 support hotfix. 

Installation procedure:

Mount the image and see Readme.txt why so ...
Further to the selection, installation as you normally would or by using the Open Gatekeeper 


           MAMP & MAMP PRO 4.2.1 [En]

The release took place: September 28, 2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.10 +
Language: English
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated)
System requirements:
 Mac OS X 10.10 or newer
 64-Bit processor (Intel)


Any web developer in the process of creating a website you need to check its performance. 
To do this it is most convenient to the local web server, lifted on your computer. The 
advantages of this method is that there are no restrictions on the size of the website, nor to 
use CPU time or RAM on the server, and the main thing is that every save file is 
instantaneous; you immediately see the result in my browser. Mac OS X already comes with 
Apache server. But what about dynamic sites, because in order to raise the site using the 
embedded MySQL server, you should be able to configure it through Terminal, and it fails 
every user. In this case, when there is not enough knowledge to work with Terminal, as well 
as when just do not want to deal with all this, you'll appreciate the program MAMP 
production company appsolute GmbH.

MAMP helps Mac OS users to simplify the installation server Apache, MySQL, PHP, 
eAccelerator and PHPMyAdmin. MAMP program only takes a few minutes for it to load all the 
necessary data to the server. MAMP Pro is a complete set for web developers, consisting of 
server Apache, database server MySQL, PHP and so many more useful things that are already 
set up between themselves and ready to work.

Installation procedure:

Mount the image, launch the installation and follow the instructions in the installer
The program does not update!

            Productivity Lab for Pages - Templates Bundle 3.2.1 [En]


The release took place: 13.10.2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.11 or higher
Interface language: Russian, English, German etc.
Treatment: not required
System requirements:
macOS 10.11 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU
recommended Apple Pages v5.6 or higher 


Business Template Lab - is a bundle of more than 600 templates for Pages, from business cards 
and newsletters, brochures, calendars, invoices and accounts, to various forms of management 
and other publications.


Hundreds of professional templates, and nearly endless customization possibilities make this kit 
the most powerful tool to add creativity in Your business documents.

Use templates one page, such as invoice, press release, and receipt of sale, for basic 
documents, or choose from multiple templates, multi-layouts for cards, newsletters, and other 
publications. Most layouts include a substrate for your photos or drawings and allow you to 
simply drag and drop the selected image.

Every object in the templates can be easily modified, moved or deleted, and the color can be 
changed. Type or paste in your own text add and remove text boxes and change the font. Drag 
and drop your photos or photo documents in order to replace embedded images. You can 
copy and paste an entire layout from one document to another.

3 new Workbooks designs;

3General bug fixes and performance improvements.


Installation procedure:

Mount image and drag the application icon to the applications folder


           QuarkXPress 2017 13.1.0 [Multi/Ru]


The release took place: 06.10.2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.10.5 or higher
Interface language: Russian, English, German etc.
Type of medicine: replacing files + sn
System requirements:
OS X 10.10.5 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 


Powerful desktop publishing program QuarkXPress has a wide range of tools for handling 
text, building web pages, managing the graphical elements and color, and has an intuitive 
interface. Currently QuarkXPress is widely used in printing, magazine, newspaper and book 
publishing houses, marketing and advertising agencies, and design firms.

Images and Vectors

Non-destructive image editing (adjustments and filters)
Transparency blend modes
New shape tools
More multi-color gradients
Gradients for frames
Item format painter

Typography and Text

Text stroking
Text shading
Column spanning/splitting
Non-breaking text attribute
Merge text boxes
Automatic line between columns
Proportional leading
Additional smart quotes
Smart text linking
Word import enhanced
Footnotes enhanced

Digital Publishing

"Unlimited"* iOS single apps
Adaptive layout conversion
Automatic table-of-content
Responsive HTML5 Publications
(multi device output)


Adaptive layout conversion
Convert to Native Objects
Mac and Win UI enhancements
Cursor key can control increments/decrements
List most recent fonts
Find/Change enhanced
Cross References enhanced
Built-in cache cleaner
XTensions Manager enhanced

Installation procedure:

1. Mount image and start the installer application

2. Select your region

3. Select full installation

4. To activate the trial period and close the app

5. To replace the 2 files (*.bundle) from the Crack folder in the QuarkXpress -> 

Show package contents -> Contents -> Plugins

6. Block outgoing connections for QuarkXpress 2017

7. Launch the app, go to menu "edit license code" and enter the data from the file Key

8. Ready

or carefully read the Read file first


            Swift Publisher 5.0.4 [En]

The release took place: 10 10.2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10 or higher
Language: English, Spanish, Italian, German etc.
Type of medicine: ready keygen
System requirements:
macOS 10.10 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 



Swift Publisher is a package of graphics utilities for Mac OS is especially useful to those 
involved in printing. Swift Publisher is designed to create layouts, documents, printing of 
leaflets, Newspapers, brochures, leaflets and similar documents. Swift Publisher works with 
page templates, so you can be placed on objects that are used on multiple pages.

Swift Publisher includes 2,000 high-quality images 180 ready-made template designs and 100 
unique masks. Supports work with layers.

Additional information:

 Easy to learn alternative. Discard those massive, daunting design apps designed for 

professional publishers - with its user-friendly interface, Desktop Publisher is a digital drawing 

Board for all of us.

 Text tools. Customize text styles, link text boxes, and create visually pleasing effects of the 

flow. With Swift Publisher to manage your content is never troublesome.

 Inspiring opportunities. Iscritti their creativity. Swift Publisher includes images, figures, and 

masks unique, providing you with templates and resources to accelerate the design process.

 Excellent personalization. When your publication has to be personalized, turn to Swift 

Publisher. Regardless of whether you need to touch up, rotate, group, rotate, or adjust the 

opacity of an object, you'll find the right tool.

Installation procedure:

1. Mount image run the installer and follow its instructions
2. To register data from a text file (any name)