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OS X Cracked Utilities 07 oct 2017 [cutl]

Araxis Merge Pro 2017 (4937) macOS Sierra Edition [En]

Araxis Merge Pro 2017 (4937) macOS High Sierra Edition [En]

Art Text 3.2.3 [En]

CrossOver 16.2.5 [Multi/Ru]

DxO OpticsPro Elite 11.4.3 (build 71) [En]

H265 Converter Pro 3.1.1 [En]

liquivid Video Improve 1.8.0 [Multi/Ru]

macOS Server 5.4 [Multi]

Movavi Video Converter 7.3 [Multi/Ru]

Pano2VR Pro 5.2.2 [Multi/Ru]

VMware Fusion Pro 10.0.1 [Multi]




   2,48 GB

                        Araxis Merge Pro 2017 (4937) macOS Sierra Edition [En]
                        Araxis Merge Pro 2017 (4937) macOS High Sierra Edition [En]


The release took place: October 03, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.12 +
Language: English
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated)

System requirements:
Intel 64 bit processor
macOS 10.12 or newer


Program for two and triangular diff / merge files and synchronize folders from the company
 Araxis. Use this application to compare, understand and combine different versions of source 
codes, web pages and other text files, and even text copied and pasted from another 

Merge is a mandatory program for software developers, lawyers, managers for the production 
of products, web designers and other professionals who work with check various text files, 
including files ASCII, MBCS and Unicode. Merge integrates with most management software 
updating generations and systems management software settings.

Version 2017.4937:


 Merge is fully supported, optimized, and tested on macOS High Sierra

 Image zooming has been completely reworked

 The swap slider on image comparisons is only enabled if there are at least two files that will


 Vertical ruler markings (which separate images in multi-image files) are no longer shown in an 

image comparison panel when the image file contains only a single image

 File and folder history lists are no longer stored in saved Merge preference files or saved 


 The preference to turn-off font smoothing for text in text comparisons has been documented


 Merge no longer crashes in certain circumstances when using auto-complete in the file/folder 

pathname entry fields

 Text and binary comparisons have been fixed to draw correctly on macOS High Sierra if the 

Merge application window is resized when an information message is displayed within a file 

panel and line-wrapping is enabled.

 When Merge is running on macOS High Sierra and no Merge windows are open, clicking the 

Merge dock icon opens a new default comparison

 Image comparisons now ignore embedded DPI metadata when sizing and displaying images. 

Previously, embedded metadata could lead to images being drawn at an inappropriate size.

 The background checkerboard for image comparisons no longer extends beyond the image at 

certain zoom factors

 Dragging and dropping an image on to the whitespace surrounding an image in an image 

comparison loads that image

 Clicking on the whitespace surrounding an image in an image comparison gives focus to that 

image’s panel

 It is possible to tab through the controls in the control bar at the bottom of an image 

comparison when the system is configured for full keyboard access

 Merge will no longer relaunch in certain circumstances after a user has completed a Git conflict 

resolution and exited Merge

 Minor defects in the Japanese localization have been corrected

 Merge no longer crashes in certain circumstances when using the auto-completion feature of 

file/folder entry fields 

Installation procedure:

Mount the image and see Help.txt why so ...

Further to the selection, installation as you normally would or by using the Open Gatekeeper 



                        Art Text 3.2.3 [En]

The release took place: 20.09.2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10 or higher
Language: English

Treatment: not required

System requirements:
macOS 10.10 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 


Art Text is a beautiful text graphic
Art Text is an indispensable program for Mac OS for those who often need to draw high quality 
graphics: headers, buttons, banners, logos, icons and the like. The program allows you to 
convert any text or vector image in the vivid graphics of the highest quality.

Due to the support for layers, vast vector library, and more than 700 primitives, you can create 
any masterpieces, which will allow your creative potential. The result of your work can be 
exported in formats such as PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, EPS, or directly used in 
applications, iWork, iWeb, Microsoft Office, BeLight or layout of the future Web site.

Installation procedure:

Mount the DMG image and drag the application icon to the applications folder


                     CrossOver 16.2.5 [Multi/Ru]

Supported OS: macOS 10.8 or above
Interface language: Russian, English, German etc.
Treatment: not required
System requirements:
macOS 10.8 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 


Company CodeWeavers has released CrossOver 16.2.x. This package is based on Wine code 
code 1.8-rc and a shell to run programs for Windows on Linux and OS X. it Also allows you to 
launch games, that for many users is a crucial factor when selecting an operating system.

In the new version the developers have updated the user interface and processed by the 
installer. Retina Display support for the applications. They also have improved support for 
Microsoft Office and added support for several new programs, in particular, program control 
Finance Quicken 2016

Additional information:

Note that the above mentioned Wine is a software layer that allows you to run Win32 
applications on Linux and OS X. While Wine is not an emulator in pure form, although some 
programs and is recognized as such, because technically is a variant of the virtual machine, 
which communicates with the main system.

CrossOver is a paid program, but the ability to run most of the usual programs and games on 
other platforms, often eliminates this "deficiency".
Fixed a bug which caused Steam to crash on startup

Fixed a bug which caused Heroes of Might and Magic to freeze on startup

Fixed a bug which caused certain Excel 2013 documents to load very slowly

Installation procedure:

Mount image and drag the application icon to the applications folder


                         DxO OpticsPro Elite 11.4.3 (build 71) [En]


The release took place: 29.09.2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10 or higher
Language: English, French, German and Japanese
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:
Intel Core™ i5 or higher
4 GB of RAM (6 GB recommended)
2 GB of available disk space (6 GB recommended)
OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.11 (El Capitan), macOS High Sierra (10.13)
Graphics card with 512 MB of video memory for supporting GPU acceleration 


DxO Optics Pro — one of the best RAW converters and image editors. The program uses 
advanced patented technology, with which you can adjust the brightness, contrast, color 
balance, eliminate distortion and improved clarity of images, correct color and exposure on the 
edges and in the corners of the photos, adjust white balance, taking into account the color 
temperature and more. The program has three modes of operation: in "automatic" mode, all 
processing parameters are selected program, "guide" mode, the user is offered turnkey solutions 
optimize photos, but with the possibility of making changes and, finally, in the "expert" user 
performs all operations independently.

Additional information:

DxO Optics Pro - professional program for improvement and adjustment of your collection of 
digital photos. This decision has many advanced technologies, with which you can adjust the 
brightness, contrast, color balance, eliminate distortion and improved clarity of images, correct 
color and exposure on the edges and in the corners of the photos, adjust white balance, taking 
into account the color temperature and more. The principle of operation of DxO Optics is 
based on projects. You upload a set of photos from hard drive, flash-cards or any other 
medium, and then sistematizarea material, describe the necessary adjustments. In addition, DxO 
Optics Pro can be connected as a plugin to a photo editor Adobe Photoshop.

All work DxO Optics Pro resembles the work of RAW-converters. This is not surprising 
because the basic application DxO Optics lies in the processing of digital negatives. It is 
interesting to note that initially the program was developed to correct geometric distortion 
optics. Then the product is added components correction of other defects of the optics. Soon 
there were funds to support RAW modern cameras and basic tools systematization of the 
material. And where the RAW can not do without the exposure control and color. As a result 
of, in General, a simple utility to correct various distortions, DxO Optics has grown into a 
powerful software product that allows you to perform a wide range of adjustments to images.

DxO Optics has an interesting opportunity for not just use a batch mode adjustment of the 
material, and to do it conveniently. You can select multiple thumbnails within the project and 
create one single stack (stack). In the future, all adjustments are automatically applied to all 
documents within the stack. Visually, a stack of pictures is different from the individual 
documents white frame and adding the word stack with serial number to the file name.


Optical photo correction
Converting RAW files to other graphic formats
Optimize species photographs
Good work with the distortions and distortsiey caused by optics
Removal of different drones, dust and other distortions
Easy to use interface osmyslenii
Ability to work with Photoshop, Lightroom and Flickr
Improved image quality at high ISO
Devices for correcting optical deficiencies
Automatic resumption of exposure for heavier subjects
Completely redesigned and more intuitive interface
Personalization of the interface to improve productivity
Support for the latest cameras and lenses
Improved performance of the overall program.

Installation procedure:

 Mount image
 Drag the app to the applications folder
 From the desktop to start the patch.
 Click on info and drag the icon of the installed program in the window patch.
 Wait for activation.
!!! will need the administrator password.


                        H265 Converter Pro 3.1.1 [En]
The release took place: 04.10.2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.9 or later
Developer: Jose Antonio Jimenez Campos
Language: English
Treatment: not required
System requirements:
OS X 10.9 or later
Intel 64-bit processor 


A very simple (one-horse), a high-performance Converter, with which You can convert any 
video format to MOV, MP4 or MKV, using video codec H. 265 and while maintaining a very 
high quality. 

Additional information:

The same quality as H264 but the size of 50% less.

Very high quality conversions.

No complicated settings (Appendix one window).

Support batch processing.

Ability to add files "on the fly" to the current encoding queue.

Save the original audio format, or convert to AAC 2.0 ch.

Keep original subtitles.

Output formats: MOV, MP4 or MKV

Added output MOV support to keep all iOS devices metadata, and MP4 too.

MOV and MP4 compatible with iOS 11 and macOS 10.13 High Sierra.

macOS High Sierra compatibility improvements.

Added more steps to quality slider.

Minor bug fixes.

Installation procedure:

Mount image and drag the application icon to the applications folder


                   liquivid Video Improve 1.8.0 [Multi/Ru]


Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
Treatment: not required
System requirements:
macOS 10.9 or higher
Intel 64-bit CPU 


If you want to get more out of your records without wasting too much time, you are on the right 
track: liquidivid Video Improve is a simple and easy application for editing video and photos, 
specially created for those who want to spend more time outdoors, not at the monitor.

Intuitive, easy to use photo/video editor: clean up and improve your images with a single click, 
to enjoy the view and share memories.

liquivid offers a number of attractive visual effects that corrects lens distortion caused by wide 
angle lenses (most actioncams), eliminates camera shake, image noise and improves color and 
sharpness. Batch file processing, support for all common video formats, codecs and resolutions 
make this instrument attractive to Users choice.

Additional information:

An overview of the functionality:
 Visual effects, 23 selection
 Stabilization/elimination of camera shake
 Devising/eliminate the distortion of the lens. Built-in current profiles include: GoPro camera 
hero3 and hero3+, Hero4 & session Hero4, hero5 & hero5 session, Sony HDR-AS100V, 
HDR-like as50, HDR-CX220 camera fdr-X1000V, drift HD Ghost, sjcam sj4000 & SJ 5000, 
3 dji Phantom & zenmuse X3, which, Garmin VIRB, parrot Bebop 2, Rollei and Rollei 6S 410, 
an increase of B8, GitUp Git2, Mobius ActionCam (lenses, C2), Yi 4K, Olympus TG-tracker.

 Noise reduction
 Adjust colors and contrast
 Rotation and cropping
 Change video playback speed
 Text To Add
 Music Add
 Deflickering video
 Cutting video

Supported formats 


Photos: JPG, PNG, TIFF.
Video: all common formats and codecs in any resolution (including HD, 2K, 2.7 K, 4K).


Photos: JPG, PNG.

Video: MP4 (h264), WMV, uncompressed AVI at any resolution (including HD, 2K, 2.7 K, 
4K) and with a high bitrate.

- Faster video encoding

- Can now add music to exported videos

- Adding text to video: faster export, higher quality preview

- New lens profile: Olympus TG Tracker

- UI tweaks

- Bugfixes 


Installation procedure:

Mount image and drag the application icon to the applications folder

                        macOS Server 5.4 [Multi]

The release took place: September 25, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.13 +
Language: English, Dutch, Spanish, etc.
Treatment: not required

System requirements:
To install OS X Server 5, you need one of these computers:
 iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
 MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
 MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
 MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
 Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
 Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
 Xserve (Early 2009)

Your Mac needs:
 macOS 10.13 or later
 At least 2 GB of RAM
 At least 10 GB of available disk space (50 GB if you wish to use Caching Server) 


macOS Server for macOS and iOS devices makes it easy to share files, schedule meetings, 
synchronize contacts, develop applications, maintain your own website, publish wiki-projects, 
compatible with Mac, iPhone and iPad, go to the network remotely and much more.

macOS Server is an application which can be added to macOS directly from the Mac App 
Store. Anyone can quickly and easily turn a Mac running macOS in a server that's perfect for 
home offices, businesses, schools, developers and hobbyists.

What’s New in macOS Server 5.4

Server App

 Caching Server, Time Machine Server, and File Sharing advanced options are now built 

directly into macOS 

 Caching Server now supports a tiered architecture

 Xcode Server has been integrated into Xcode

 Support for APFS volumes

Profile Manager

Support for new restrictions, payloads, and management commands:

iOS 11

 New supervised-only restriction: Allow VPN creation

 New supervised-only Classroom restrictions to allow managed class behavior for 

unmanaged classes on supervised devices: Force unprompted joining of classes, Force 

unprompted App and Device Lock, Force unprompted Screen Observation and AirPlay

 New supervised-only AirPrint restrictions: Allow AirPrint, require trusted TLS certificates 

for AirPrint, Allow iBeacon discovery of AirPrint printers, Allow AirPrint credentials to be 

stored in keychain

 AirPrint payload now supports specifying a port and whether connection must be TLS

 VPN IKEv2 and Wi-Fi payloads now support specifying TLS min/max version

 New supervised-only payload: DNS Proxy

 Option to preserve data plan when erasing device

 Option to install apps and books on iOS devices only when they are USB tethered with 


 Software updates can now be installed on all supervised devices even while passcode 


 Skip new Setup Assistant panes: Keyboard chooser and Watch migration 

macOS 10.13 

 New macOS payload: Extensions

 New macOS payload: Smart Card

 New macOS payload: System Migration

 VPN IKEv2 and Wi-Fi payloads now support specifying TLS min/max version

 New macOS MDM commands: User List, Unlock User, Delete User, Shutdown, and 


 New macOS MDM commands and status query for EFI password management

 Option to apply 802.1X configuration to any Ethernet interface

 Option to hide Siri setup screen on first login

 New macOS FileVault key escrow mechanism 

tvOS 11

 New supervised-only restriction: Allow modifying device name

 Wi-Fi payload now supports specifying TLS min/max version

 Now supports Home Screen Layout payload

 New tvOS payload: AirPlay Incoming Security 

Installation procedure:
Mount the image and see Readme.txt why so ...
Further to the selection, installation as you normally would or by using the Open Gatekeeper friendly


                           Movavi Video Converter 7.3 [Multi/Ru]


The release took place: 17.09.2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.6.0 or above
Interface language: Russian, English, German, French, etc.
Treatment: not required
System requirements:
macOS 10.6.0 or above
Intel 64-bit CPU 


A versatile application that converts video, photo and audio on Mac OS! Movavi Video 
Converter will help to save your media files in any format and export them for mobile devices, 
so you can enjoy your favorite movies and music wherever you are. Thus to use our video 
Converter incredibly easy: upload the files into the program specify the desired format and click 
– conversion will be completed in a matter of seconds.

Video Converter for Mac from Movavi also includes many advanced features: you can rotate 
and trim your videos, improve image quality, add titles, adjust sound volume and more. Thanks 
to the convenient interface of the program, to learn how to convert files to any formats even a 
novice user.

Additional information:

Powerful conversion engine provides almost instantaneous media processing, even if 
simultaneously converts multiple files.

In SuperSpeed mode, the program works to 81 times faster than normal conversion, while not 
constricting and files without compromising their quality.

Movavi video Converter distributes the load between the cores, allowing you to work super-
fast without sacrificing performance.

Support AVI, MP4, MPEG-1,2, MOV, SWF, FLV, WMV, MKV, 3GP, MP3, WAV and 
many others (full list can be viewed off site)

iPad, iPhone, Android device, Xbox, Sony PlayStation, Amazon Kindle

Edit: to stabilize and improve quality, cut, crop, rotate

Convenient presets with ready-made settings for Apple devices and other manufacturers

Auto-detection of devices connected to the computer, and selecting the right preset

Free up disk space by compressing large files

Forget about the lack of space

Conversion of multiple files at once

Installation procedure:
Close the application access to the Internet
Mount the DMG image and drag the application icon to the applications folder


                  Pano2VR Pro 5.2.2 [Multi/Ru]

Supported OS: 10.8.1+
Interface language: Russian, English, Spanish, German, French, etc.
Type of medicine: replacing files

System requirements:
Mac OS 10.8.1 or higher 


Pano2VR is designed to publish your panoramic images in minutes. No matter what project you 
are working – whether gigapixel panorama or virtual tour with hundreds of nodes Pano2VR will 
help you to quickly run the project on computers or mobile devices.

Additional information:

Built-in tools for image processing: Patching tool for overlaying seamless patches (hiding a 
tripod, etc.), alignment of panoramas and others.

New in version 5.2:

Many new features for creating publications for Google Street View, including exports to Street 
View tour map

Auto-positioning of hotspots on the linked panoramas, through the renaming of names of 

Patches to blur faces and private car (particularly useful for Street View)

New in version 5.1:

Full support for projections, including panorama video, animations "reaching", etc.

Skin editor supports things like embedded videos

Support of projections in the skin, including the management projections user

The animation between projections in the editor animations; support 360 video panoramas

Added new formats for import/export for use with Oculus 360 and Samsung GearVR

Installation procedure:
Mount Setup.dmg, copy (drag) the app into your /Applications folder 

Treatment procedure:
Right-click on the app > "Show package contents" in Contents/MacOS, replace the file 
pano2vr archive Ked; register key from Read me


               VMware Fusion Pro 10.0.1 [Multi]


Supported OS: macOS 10.11 +
The release took place: September 29, 2017
Language: English, French, German etc.
Type of medicine: ready sn

System requirements:
64-bit Intel based Mac. (Compatible with Core 2 Duo, Xeon, i3, i5, i7 processors or better)

Minimum 4GB of RAM (8GB or more recommended)

750MB free disk space for Fusion, additional hard disk space required for each virtual 
machine. Please refer vendors recommended disk space for specific guest operating systems.

 Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan or later

Operating system installation media (e.g. .ISO file) for virtual machines

Note: Microsoft Windows Not Included


VMware Fusion: easy and powerful virtual machine for Mac

With VMware Fusion, Mac users can run Windows and hundreds of other operating systems 
alongside Mac applications without rebooting. The decision Fusion combines the usability for 
home users and opportunities for it professionals, developers and organizations.


Running Windows on a Mac is only the beginning. With VMware Fusion you can choose from 
hundreds of supported operating systems: from a little-known Linux distributions to the latest 
release of Windows 10. With Fusion you can easily test almost any OS and applications on 
your Mac. The solution allows you to create and test applications in an isolated environment, 
providing a secure joint using local source files and folders. Fusion Pro now includes a RESTful 
API for integration with modern development tools such as Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, Chef and 
others, that gives the opportunity to use all the features of VMware in modern adaptive 
integrated processes of development and operation.

Hot on the heels of macOS 10.13 High Sierra yesterday, today we are proud to announce the 

general availability of VMware Fusion 10!

With over 30 new features in Fusion and over 50 in Fusion Pro, including a refreshed UI, Metal 

Graphics support, Virtual Network Simulation and the all new Fusion API, Fusion 10 is our 

boldest and most exciting release yet.

For DirectX 10 or OpenGL 3.3 support in a virtual machine:

Host OS:

macOS 10.11 or greater


Intel: HD4000 or newer

Nvidia: 650M or newer

AMD: HD 5770 or newer

For Microsoft VBS Guest features VMware recommends:

Intel "Skylake" generation CPU or newer

8GB RAM or more 

Installation procedure:

 Mount image

 Run the installer (double click on the program icon) and follow the instructions on the request 

number to copy the serial number from a text file, paste in the special field of the programme 

and continue with the installation