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mac ADOBE mini set MAR 2018 [cutl]


Adobe Audition CC 2018 v11.0.2.2 [Multi]

Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 v18.1 [Multi/Ru]

Adobe Illustrator CC2018.1 v22.1 [Multi/Ru]

Adobe InDesign CC 2018.1 v13.1 [Multi/Ru]

Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 v19.1.2 [Multi/Ru]

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2018 v7.2.0 [Multi]

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 v12.0.1 [Multi/Ru]

Adobe XD CC v4.0.12 [Multi]




  9,91 GB


                   Adobe Audition CC 2018 v11.0.2.2 [Multi]

Supported OS: macOS 10.11 +
Interface language: English, German, Spanish, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:
* Intel multi-core processor
* Mac OS X 10.11 or later
* 4 GB of free hard disk space for installation. During installation requires additional free space 
(install on removable flash memory device or volume with the file system to case sensitive, not)
* 1920x1080 screen
• The system supports OpenGL 2.0; additional GPU to improve performance of video playback
* USB and/or MIDI interface may be required to support the external control area (see device
 specifications from the manufacturer)
• Optional: optical drive for CD-ROM drive (SuperDrive recommended)


The Adobe Audition audio data program is a professional tool for professionals who work in the 
field of audio and video processing, offering them virtually unlimited possibilities. Ease of use is 
perfectly combined with flexibility, allowing you to create master copies of the highest class, 
edit, mix, process, impose a variety of sound effects. In fact, the user gets on his computer a 
full-fledged powerful recording Studio with easy-to-use and, at the same time, quite 
professional tools.

Record, edit, and create audio content in Adobe Audition with a full-featured set of waveform, 
spectral, and track processing tools. This powerful audio editor allows you to speed up the 
audio and video processing process while providing the highest audio quality.

Installation using the patch:

software installation:


 Before installation, disconnect from the Internet or use Little Snitch to block all 
outgoing connections!
0. Mountable image Adobe_Audition_CC_2018_v11.0.2.2.dmg
1. Run the installer Adobe_Audition_CC_2018_v11.0.2.2_Install.pkg (/Adobe_Audition_CC_
2018_v11.0.2.2/Build) and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)

5. From the desktop, run the patch (Adobe_Zii_for_Adobe_CC15_-_CC18_3.0.4_[cutl].dmg -> 
Adobe Zii ) and click PATCH or drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the 


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
* Adobe Zii 3.0.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17-also activates programs downloaded from Adobe 
Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 


                       Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 v18.1 [Multi/Ru]


Supported OS: macOS 10.11 +
Interface language: Russian, English, German, French, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:

* Intel multi-core processor
* Mac OS X 10.11 or later
• 1 GB of RAM
• 1 GB of free hard disk space for installation; additional free space required for installation (not 
installed on a disk using the file system is case-sensitive, or on removable USB flash storage 
• Monitor resolution of 1280 x 1024 with 16-bit video card
* Java Runtime Environment 1.6
• Software QuickTime 7.6.6, required for HTML5 playback of media content
* Internet connection and registration are required for mandatory software activation, 
confirmation of participation in the program and access to online services*.


To create interactive web sites is faster and easier.
Software for web design Adobe Dreamweaver CC contains an intuitive visual interface that 
allows you to create and edit web sites and mobile applications. Use the "rubber layouts" (Fluid 
Grid Layouts) with cross-platform support for creating web pages. Before publishing preview 
created layouts in panel a multi-screen viewing.

Watch for design changes with new interactive viewing features. Make changes to the visual 
presentation of HTML elements and test your changes on web site in live view without 
switching between display modes or constant updates to the screen. Create codes that 
correspond to web standards, with the help of visual editing tools. Apply CSS properties like 
gradients, box shadows and borders. If you don't like the changes, just cancel them. The Edge 
Animate and Dreamweaver integration makes it possible to use HTML5 interactive content on 
mobile devices and for publishing to the Internet.


Powerful coding support and visual tooling aids make building sites in this popular CSS 

framework easier than ever. 

Installation using the patch:

software installation:


Before installing, disconnect from the Internet
0. Mountable image AdobeDreamweaver18.1-mul.dmg
1. Run the Install installer and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file: (optional)
3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe_Zii_for_Adobe_CC15_-_CC18_3.0.4_[cutl].dmg -> 
Adobe Zii PATCH and click or DRAG or drag selected/a specific application in the open window 
of the patch


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
* Adobe Zii 3.0.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17-also activates programs downloaded from Adobe 
Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 

                      Adobe Illustrator CC2018.1 v22.1 [Multi/Ru]


Supported OS: macOS 10.11+
Interface language: Russian, English, German, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:

•Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit computing
* Mac OS X version 10.11 or later
•2 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
•2 GB of free hard disk space for installation; additional free space required for installation (not 
installed on a disk using the file system is case-sensitive, or on removable flash memory device)
* 1024x768 monitor resolution (1280x800 recommended)
•Optional: to use GPU performance to a computer running Mac OS should have at least 512 MB 
RAM (2 GB recommended), as well as to support OpenGL 4.0 or higher



Illustrator CC – is adopted as an industry standard software for vector graphics, widely used by 
designers in different areas – digital graphics, illustrations and printing – when you develop any 
types of multimedia resources: printed materials, online content, interactive media, video and 
mobile applications.

Introducing the most powerful and user-friendly version Illustrator®. New tool "Change text" 
contains advanced management functions typing, including translation, scale, and rotate 
individual characters with the ability to change the font or copy at any time. Illustrator CC 
allows to provide access to the results of the work directly from the application and synchronize 
color with Adobe® Kuler®. Put all your work together.

Installation using the patch:

software installation:


Before installing, disconnect from the Internet
0. Mountable image AdobeIllustrator22.1-mul.dmg
1. Run the Install installer and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe for Adobe Zii CC15 - CC18 3.0.4 PATCH and click or 
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
• Zii Adobe for Adobe CC15 - CC18 3.0.4 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe 
Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 

              Adobe InDesign CC 2018.1 v13.1 [Multi/Ru]


Supported OS: macOS 10.11 +
Interface language: Russian, English, German, French, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:

• Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit computing
• Operating system Mac OS X version 10.11 or newer
• 1 GB of RAM
• 3.2 GB of free hard disk space for installation; additional free space required for installation 
(not installed on a disk using the file system is case-sensitive, or on removable storage devices 
flash memory)
• Monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 768 (recommended 1280 x 800), video card that supports 
OpenGL 2.0, 16-bit color, 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)*



Adobe InDesign CC — professional product design to design any print or Internet publications. 
Adobe InDesign CC has all the advanced features and tools of machine layout, with which you 
can quickly and efficiently design pages of any complexity. The program supports the import of 
drawings and text from a variety of formats, including PDF and XML files, offers a set of tools for 
editing imported materials which includes work with layers, cascading styles, tables and 

Adobe InDesign CC is a universal app for publishing content, which provides precise control over 
design and typography at the pixel level. Easily adapt layouts to different page formats, 
orientations and devices while maintaining high image quality.


• Object is scaled incorrectly if stroke weight is not adjusted while scaling.

• Paragraph Border and Shading settings are applied incorrectly, if the paragraph contains 


• InDesign does not preserve pageitem order inside layers, when some pages are deleted 

from the document.

• PDF Export from InDesign discards Overprint Fill set as 0 for graphics in the placed 

PDF files.

• Wrong font style is selected on changing font when Font Preview is off.

• Special character (?) is shown in the Story Editor window with table cells resulting in 

hiding of first character.

• Tint field becomes blank on hot launch, tabbing through it makes it 0% resulting in 

shading/border not appearing.

• Exporting to PNG or JPEG fails if the file name contains a forward slash (/).

• Panels such as Pages, Layers, Swatches becomes distorted and scroll bar goes missing 

on high resolution displays.

• Save, Save As, and Edit menu options are not available, while linking to some PDFs.

• Ghost image of CC Lib is visible in the upper-left corner in Classic workspace in 

Windows 10.

• Garbage character appears in the More Open Type dialog box when applied with SVG 

font Trajan Color.

• AppleScript error while opening document in InDesignServer.

• InDesign does not honor dismissal of "onClose" event in script UI dialog.

• Text wrap is lost on opening IDML.

• InDesign hangs while pasting content from word file having endnote.

• InDesign crashes on opening a corrupted inx file.

• No tags for .wmf and .pict file types.

• Tint of Paragraph shading, imported from word, changes to default (20%).

• Visual feedback missing in Layers panel for non-printing layers.

• Smart guides to align-to-center are not shown while aligning or creating objects in a 

document in CCJK.

• Tag for anchored text frame is missing.

• Error in XML Import when XML file contains "whitespace handling" processing 


• InDesign hangs, if object style size property is used with libraries.

• [Mac OS having APFS file system only]- Names of scripts in the Scripts panel are not 

sorted by text.

• Endnote navigation in PDF is incorrect when sections are present in the InDesign 


• Anchored images are not exported when exported using the Articles panel.

• Next anchored figure gets tagged instead of the actual anchored figure with effects 


• Transparency effects with transformation fail while exporting to PDF.

• Application does not rotate to portrait on MS Surface Book.

• Fonts folder becomes empty when InDesign is updated from CC 2017.0 to CC 2017.1.

• Text is rendered as bars/boxes in GPU Preview while zooming in.

• Master page, built using existing master page, drops PTF.

• Size option defined in Object Style does not work correctly for Anchored Objects.

• Access Denied error while packaging a document to a network location.

• Resources folder is not created while exporting to SWF.

• Overset text is lost while copying it to another document.

• Wrong alert message is shown for missing/modified links while creating a package.

• Pixelated PDF is generated upon relinking missing links from packaging dialog.

• File name text variable shows extension(.indd) in PDF when PDF is created via 


• "Alternating" in Row/Column Stroke of Table Options is localized incorrectly.

• Links folder is not created when missing links are relinked from packaging dialog.

• Document state remains unchanged even when missing links are relinked from 

packaging dialog.

• The Reference Point icon is truncated in theTransform panel.

• Horizontal scroll bar in pages panel does not show in few scenarios.

Stability fixes:

• InDesign crashes while trying to change the font from the drop-down menu, 

immediately after performing undo operation for some deleted text.

• InDesign crashes while working on a document, if the underlying link resource for a 

link is missing.

• Inconsistent state of idml data causes it to crash on opening.

• InDesign hangs while opening certain InDesign files through InDesign Book.

• InDesign crashes while moving or anchoring images in some documents.

• InDesign crashes while saving a file on a network location, such as NAS server.

• Opening a file saved to ‘BOX’ results in consistent protective shutdown until network is 


• InDesign does a protective shutdown on closing a document after editing it using Edit 

Original from the Links panel, if a modal dialog is about to pop up.

• InDesign crashes/freezes while copy pasting a text frame, if the system has a keyboard 

shortcut application, such as Keyboard maestro.

• InDesign crashes while saving a document containing a link located in one of the dual 

mounted drives.

• InDesign crashes while exporting some indd documents to IDML.

• InDesign crashes while exporting tagged PDF if the documents have improper indexes.

• InDesign crashes while re-linking missing InCopy stories with ‘Show Threaded frames’ 

option turned on.

• InDesign crashes while switching back to the original document after doing ‘Edit 

Original’ for a placed indd file in it.

• InDesign crashes when text is copied from InDesign to other application.

• InDesign crashes while moving an inline anchored object to another position in a 

specific scenario.

• InDesign crashes while copy-pasting large table containing word files having endnotes.

• InDesign crashes on drag-and-drop of custom data from CEP panels.

• InDesign crashes on relinking a story while keeping the Notes panel open. 


Installation using the patch:

software installation:


Before installing, disconnect from the Internet
1. Run the Install installer and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe_Zii_for_Adobe_CC15_-_CC18_3.0.4_[cutl].dmg -> 
Adobe Zii PATCH and click or drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the 


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.

- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
* Adobe_Zii_for_Adobe_CC15_-_CC18_3.0.4_[cutl] - also activates programs downloaded from 
Adobe Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 

           Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 v19.1.2 [Multi/Ru]


Supported OS: macOS 10.11 +
Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:
* Intel multi-core processor with 64-bit support
• 10.11 macOS (Yosemite) or newer; 64-bit version
• 2 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
• 4 GB of free hard disk space for installation; during installation requires additional free space 
(cannot install on a drive that uses a filesystem with case-sensitivity of symbols)
• Monitor resolution 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800), support for 16-bit color and 512MB 
of dedicated video memory; 2 GB recommended*
• The system supports OpenGL 2.0


Adobe Photoshop CC — a program for processing raster graphics. Many graphic formats are 
supported. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop used 
to create photorealistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction, 
collage, transformation of graphs, color separation, etc.

Adobe Photoshop has all the methods for working with point images, with the ability to work 
with layers and uses contours. The program is the undisputed leader among professional 
graphic editors due to its widest possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop 
provides all the necessary tools for correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high 
quality output.

Version 19.1.2:

Select Subject:

Select Subject lets you select the most prominent subject in an image in a single click. 

Powered by advanced machine learning technology, Select Subject is trained to identify a 

variety of objects in an image-people, animals, vehicles, toys, and more. 

Installation using the patch:

software installation:


Before installing, disconnect from the Internet


0. Mountable image AdobePhotoshop19.1.2-mul.dmg
1. Run the Install installer and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch (Adobe_Zii_for_Adobe_CC15_-_CC18_3.0.4_[cutl].dmg -> 
Adobe Zii ) and click PATCH or drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the 


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch

• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
* Adobe Zii-also activates programs downloaded from Adobe Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 


                          Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2018 v7.2.0 [Multi]


Supported OS: OS X 10.11 +
Interface language: English, German, etc
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:

* Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support*
* Mac OS X 10.11 or later(Note that LR CC/6 can run on Mac 10.8, but without GPU 

* OpenGL 3.3-capable graphics card for GPU related functionality or later, which includes most 
cards from about 2010/2011 onwards.
• 2GB of RAM (4GB recommended)
• 2GB of available hard-disk space
* Dual-core processor recommended for HD or AVCHD video functionality


Application Photoshop Lightroom is designed for professional photographers and enthusiasts, 
and allows you to quickly import and process images, and manage photo library. Features such 
as Smart Preview and Advanced Healing Brush enhance the full-featured version of Photoshop 
in the field of fine-grained photo editing. The Advanced Healing Brush tool allows you to literally 
adjust parts of the image with your hands, instead of applying some filters to the entire image. 
Smart Preview allows you to edit photos, even in moments of unavailability of the main archive 
RAW. If the archive is available, the program will transfer all the changes.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC is part of Creative Cloud. So it is available to users all the latest 
updates, and access to new versions available from the date of their issue. Publishing 
capabilities in the cloud allow organize your files on multiple computers.
Lightroom brings together all the tools you need to work with digital photography in one quick 
and intuitive application.


File replacement installation:

software installation:


Before installing, disconnect from the Internet

0. Mountable image Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2018 v7.2.0.dmg
1. Run the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2018 V7 installer.2.0_Install.pkg (Adobe 
Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 2018 v7.2.0/Build) and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe for Adobe Zii CC15 - CC18 3.0.4 PATCH and click or 
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
• Zii Adobe for Adobe CC15 - CC18 3.0.4 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 


                         Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 v12.0.1 [Multi/Ru]

Supported OS: macOS 10.11+
Interface language: Russian, English, German, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:

• Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit computing
* Mac OS X version 10.11 or later
• 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
• 8 GB of free hard disk space for installation; during installation requires additional free space 
(cannot install on a drive that uses the case-sensitive file system and on removable flash 
memory device)
• Display with a resolution of 1280x800
** Optional: Adobe recommended graphics card for GPU acceleration functions


Create superb videos wherever you are. The industry's best set of tools for the production of 
video materials helps to work faster and easier, bringing together the desktop and mobile app 
with resources for design.

Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful, customizable editor for non-linear editing, with which you 
can mount videos exactly as you want. Import and free Association of any video from the clip, 
shot on a phone to raw 5K, followed by installation that does not need to perform transcoding.

Edit video faster and more fluidly with Adobe Premiere Pro CC - ideal tools for professional 
editors. Now available many new features including a built-in mechanism for color correction 
with Adobe SpeedGrade CC, expanded support of the original formats, improved installation 
material from multiple cameras, etc.

Installation using the patch:

software installation:

Attention! Before installing, disconnect from the Internet

0. Mountable image Adobe_Premiere_Pro_CC_2018_v12.0.1.dmg
1. Run the installer Adobe_Premiere_Pro_CC_2018_v12.0.1_Install.pkg 
(/Adobe_Premiere_Pro_CC_2018_v12.0.1/Build) and follow the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe for Adobe Zii CC15 - CC18 3.0.4 PATCH and click or 
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch

- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, to apply 
the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
• Zii Adobe for Adobe CC15 - CC18 3.0.4 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe 
Creative Cloud
* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 

             Adobe XD CC v4.0.12 [Multi]


Supported OS: macOS 10.11 +
Interface language: English, etc.
Type of medicine: patch

System requirements:

* Intel multi-core processor with 64-bit support
• 10.11 macOS (Yosemite) or newer; 64-bit version
• 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
• 4? GB of free hard disk space for installation; during installation requires additional free space 
(cannot install on a drive that uses a filesystem with case-sensitivity of symbols)

• Monitor resolution 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800), support for 16-bit color and 512MB 
of dedicated video memory; 2 GB recommended*


Adobe XD CC is a new creative tool from Adobe for designing high-quality prototype of user 
interfaces for mobile and web applications. This tool is specially designed for building quick 
prototypes as well as for high fidelity UI and design.

With Adobe CC XD anyone can create frames, interactive prototypes, and highly reliable design 
of applications and web sites. Once you have your prototype, you can import the visuals to start 
creating the final app.

Installation using the patch:

software installation:

Attention! Before installing, disconnect from the Internet

0. Mountable image Adobe_XD_CC_4.0.12.dmg
1. Run the installer Adobe_XD_CC_4.0.12_Install.pkg (/Adobe_XD_CC_4.0.12/Build) and follow 
the instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the application if it starts 
on its own)

Before applying the patch, make a copy of the original file:

3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder 
Contents - folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy of the original amtlib.framework / archive or rename and leave in the package 
(leave the original in its place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch (Adobe_Zii_for_Adobe_CC15_-_CC18_3.0.4_[cutl].dmg -> 
Adobe Zii ) and click PATCH or drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the 


- the program must be installed by default
- if other programs from the CC 2015-CC2018 package are installed, the original amtlib will be 
automatically replaced/patched in those applications where it is required.framework , that this 
did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.

- make copies of the original files before applying the patch

* It is advisable to return the original amtlib before updating the software.framework, 
to apply the updates again and apply the patch
• block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
* Adobe Zii-also activates programs downloaded from Adobe Creative Cloud

Patcher by cutl

* Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool is included in the distribution

Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problematic installed 
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative Suite 5-
5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.

Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full - fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a 
console application that works in consultation with you. Ie You do not delete anything extra 
besides what you have chosen. You decide and coordinate all actions with your own removal 