ADOBE mini set 2017 05 01
Adobe After Effects CC 2017.2 (14.2) [Multi/Ru]
Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017.1 (11.1) [Multi/Ru]
Adobe Prelude CC 2017.1 (6.1) [Multi/Ru]
Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017.1 (17.1) [Multi/Ru]
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC (2015.9) v6.9 [Multi+Ru]
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.1 (18.1) [Multi/Ru]

Adobe After Effects CC 2017.2 (14.2) [Multi/Ru]
The release took place: April 30, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10+
Interface language: Russian, English, German etc.
Treatment: complete
Type of medicine: patch
System requirements:
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit computing
Mac OS X version 10.10, 10.11 or 10.12
8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
8 GB of free hard disk space for installation; during installation requires additional free
space (cannot install on a drive that uses the case-sensitive file system and on removable
flash memory device)
Display with a resolution of 1280x800
Optional: Adobe recommended graphics card for GPU acceleration
After Effects CC is industry-leading software for creating and linking an animated graphic
used by many developers visual effects and animated graphics. It offers excellent control
functions, a wide range of creative tools, and the ability to integrate with other applications
for video post-processing.
Make the impossible possible with the new, more versatile program After Effects® CC. Rate
powerful new features such as Live 3D Pipeline, which allow the use of CINEMA 4D scenes in
as layers — without intermediate rendering. Share your works directly through the app and
have access to new features the moment they're released. Gather all your work together.
Installing with the patch:
Attention! Before installation, disconnect from the Internet or use Little Snitch to block all
outgoing connections!
1. Run the installer and follow the Install instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode
Before applying the patch make a copy of the original file:
3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder
Contents — the folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy the original amtlib.framework / or rename the files and leave the original
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 PATCH and click or
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch
- the program should be installed by default
- if you have installed other programs from the package SS 2015-СС2017, in those applications
where it is required, will be automatically replaced/patched the original amtlib.framework ,
that this did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- before applying the patch make a copy of the original files
Before updating software, it is advisable to return the original amtlib.framework, to apply
the updates again and apply the patch
block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe
Creative Cloud
Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017.1 (11.1)
The release took place: April 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10 +
Interface language: Russian, English, German, Spanish, etc.
Type of medicine: patch
System requirements:
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit applications
Mac OS X 10.10 or newer
4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
4 GB of free hard disk space for installation. During installation requires additional free
space (install on removable flash memory device or volume with the file system which is
case sensitive, can not)
Requires additional disk space for work files (10 GB recommended)
Screen 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800)
Hard disk with rotation speed of not less than 7200 Rev/min (recommended to use some
fast hard drives)
QuickTime features require installation QuickTime 7.6.6
Optional: Adobe-certified graphics card for hardware acceleration
Media Encoder CC. Universal app to handle any media content.
Insertion, transcoding, proxy generation versions and output in any desired format. This
powerful tool managing media content provides the same functions for working with
multimedia files in different applications.
Through tight integration with Adobe Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and other apps is
simplified and accelerated processing of media content.
Installing with the patch:
Attention! Before installation, disconnect from the Internet or use Little Snitch to block all
outgoing connections!
1. Run the installer and follow the instructions (the interface language can be changed in
menu of the program)
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (complete force if it is run
Before applying the patch make a copy of the original:
3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder
Contents — the folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy the original amtlib.framework / library or rename and leave it in the package
(leave original in place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 PATCH and click or
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch
- the program should be installed by default
- if you have installed other programs from the package SS 2015-СС2017, in those applications
where it is required, will be automatically replaced/patched the original amtlib.framework ,
that this did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- before applying the patch make a copy of the original files
Before updating software, it is advisable to return the original amtlib.framework, to apply
the updates again and apply the patch
block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe
Creative Cloud
The distribution utility included with Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problem installed the
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative
Suite 5 - 5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full-fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a
console application that works in coordination with You. Ie You do not delete anything extra
besides what you have chosen. You decide yourself coordinating your actions with your
needs to remove.
Adobe Prelude CC 2017.1 (6.1)
The release took place: April 2017
Supported OS: OS X 10.10 +
Interface language: Russian, English, German etc.
Type of medicine: patch
System requirements:
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support functions
Mac OS X 10.10, 10.11 or 10.12
4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
4 GB of free hard disk space for installation; during installation requires additional free
space (cannot install on a drive that uses a file system where case-insensitive, and also on
removable flash memory device)
Additional disk space for work files (10 GB recommended)
Display with a resolution of 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800)
Hard disk with at least 7200 Rev/min (recommended several high-speed hard drives)
Software QuickTime 7.6.6 for QuickTime features
Optional: Adobe-certified card GPU for GPU acceleration
Prelude CC. Adding metadata, marking and pre-Assembly.
Prelude is a tool for intuitive and efficient preparation and labeling of videos, organize
content, and add metadata.
With this tool you will be able to quickly tag and transcode video files and easy to create
preliminary versions of the videos. Prelude allows you to easily continue work on the
materials in Adobe Premiere Pro that provides easy interaction and streamline the process of
video production.
Installing with the patch:
Attention! Before installation, disconnect from the Internet or use Little Snitch to block all
outgoing connections!
1. Run the installer and follow the instructions (the interface language can be changed in
menu of the program)
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (complete force if it is run
Before applying the patch make a copy of the original:
3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder
Contents — the folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy the original amtlib.framework / library or rename and leave it in the package
(leave original in place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 PATCH and click or
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch
- the program should be installed by default
- if you have installed other programs from the package SS 2015-СС2017, in those applications
where it is required, will be automatically replaced/patched the original amtlib.framework ,
that this did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- before applying the patch make a copy of the original files
Before updating software, it is advisable to return the original amtlib.framework, to apply
the updates again and apply the patch
block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe
Creative Cloud
The distribution utility included with Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problem installed the
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative
Suite 5 - 5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full-fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a
console application that works in coordination with You. Ie You do not delete anything extra
besides what you have chosen. You decide yourself coordinating your actions with your
needs to remove.
Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017.1 (17.1)
The release took place: April 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10 +
Interface language: Russian, English, German, French, etc.
Type of medicine: patch
System requirements:
Multicore Intel processor
Operating system Mac OS X 10.10 or newer
1 GB of RAM
1 GB of free hard disk space for installation; additional free space required for installation
(not installed on a disk using the file system is case-sensitive, or on removable storage
devices flash)
Monitor resolution of 1280 x 1024 with 16-bit video card
Java Runtime Environment 1.6
Software QuickTime 7.6.6, required for HTML5 playback of media content
Connect to the Internet and registration are necessary for required software activation,
confirmation of participation in the program and access to online services*.
To create interactive web sites is faster and easier.
Software for web design Adobe Dreamweaver CC contains an intuitive visual interface that
allows you to create and edit web sites and mobile applications. Use the "rubber layouts"
(Fluid Grid Layouts) with cross-platform support for creating web pages. Before publishing
preview created layouts in panel a multi-screen viewing.
Watch the design changes with new features interactive viewing. Make changes to the visual
presentation of HTML elements and test your changes on web site in live view without
switching between display modes or constant updates to the screen. Create codes that
correspond to web standards, with the help of visual editing tools. Apply CSS properties like
gradients, box shadows and borders. If the changes you don't like, just cancel them.
Integration of Edge Animate and Dreamweaver makes it possible to use interactive HTML5
content on mobile devices and for publishing on the Internet.
Installing with the patch:
Attention! Before installation, disconnect from the Internet
1. Run the installer and follow the Install instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the app if it
automatically starts)
Before applying the patch make a copy of the original file: (optional)
3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder
Contents — the folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy the original amtlib.framework / library or rename and leave it in the package
(leave the original in place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 PATCH and click or
DRAG or drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch
- the program should be installed by default
- if you have installed other programs from the package SS 2015-СС2017, in those applications
where it is required, will be automatically replaced/patched the original amtlib.framework ,
that this did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- before applying the patch make a copy of the original files
Before updating software, it is advisable to return the original amtlib.framework, to apply
the updates again and apply the patch
block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe
Creative Cloud
The distribution utility included with Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problem installed the
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative
Suite 5 - 5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full-fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a
console application that works in coordination with You. Ie You do not delete anything extra
besides what you have chosen. You decide yourself coordinating your actions with your
needs to remove.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC (2015.9) v6.9
Supported OS: OS X 10.8 +
Language: English, German and. Russian (crack)
Type of medicine: patch
System requirements:
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
Mac OS X 10.8 or later(Note that LR CC/6 can run on Mac 10.8, but without GPU accelaration)
OpenGL 3.3–capable graphics card for GPU related functionality or later, which includes
most cards from about 2010/2011 onwards.
2GB of RAM (4GB recommended)
2GB of available hard-disk space
Dual-core processor recommended for HD or AVCHD video functionality
Application Photoshop Lightroom is designed for professional photographers and
enthusiasts, and allows you to quickly import and process images, and manage photo library.
Features such as Smart Preview and Advanced Healing Brush extend the capabilities of the
full version of Photoshop in the field of fine photo editing. Tool Advanced Healing Brush
allows you to literally hand to correct part of the image, instead of to impose any filters to
the whole picture. Smart Preview allows you to edit photos, even in moments of
unavailability of the main archive RAW. With the availability of the archive, the program
itself will take all the changes made.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC is part of Creative Cloud. So it is available to users all the
latest updates, and access to new versions available from the date of their issue. Publishing
capabilities in the cloud allow organize your files on multiple computers.
Lightroom combines all necessary tools for working with digital photography in one fast and
intuitive application.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.1 (18.1)
The release took place: April 06, 2017
Supported OS: macOS 10.10 +
Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
Type of medicine: patch
System requirements:
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support functions
macOS 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.11 (El Capitan), 10.12 (Sierra); the 64-bit version
2 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
4 GB of free hard disk space for installation; during installation requires additional free
space (cannot install on a disk that uses a file system with case-sensitive symbols)
Monitor resolution 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800), support for 16-bit color and 512MB
of dedicated video memory; 2 GB recommended
The system supports OpenGL 2.0
Adobe Photoshop CC — a program for processing raster graphics. Supports various graphic
formats. Adobe Photoshop allows both create new images and edit them. Photoshop used to
create photorealistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction,
collage, transformation of graphs, color separation, etc Adobe Photoshop has all the methods
of work with point images, and has the ability to work with layers and uses the contours. The
program is the undisputed leader among professional graphic editors due to its widest
possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop provides all the necessary tools for
correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high quality output.
Installing with the patch:
Attention! Before installation, disconnect from the Internet
1. Run the installer and follow the Install instructions
2. After installation, do not run the program in trial mode (force close the app if it
automatically starts)
Before applying the patch make a copy of the original file:
3. Click the right mouse button on the application - Show package contents. Open the folder
Contents — the folder Frameworks.
4. Make a copy the original amtlib.framework / library or rename and leave it in the package
(leave the original in place)
5. From the desktop, run the patch Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 PATCH and click or
drag selected/a specific application in the open window of the patch
- the program should be installed by default
- if you have installed other programs from the package SS 2015-СС2017, in those applications
where it is required, will be automatically replaced/patched the original amtlib.framework ,
that this did not happen - drag the application window of the running patch.
- before applying the patch make a copy of the original files
Before updating software, it is advisable to return the original amtlib.framework, to apply
the updates again and apply the patch
block outgoing connections do not need (if you are using a patch to treat)
Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17 - also enables programs downloaded from Adobe
Creative Cloud
The distribution utility included with Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Cleaner Tool can clean from installation and problem installed the
beta version of software, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe Creative
Suite 5 - 5.5, Adobe Creative Suite 4 and Adobe Creative Suite 3, etc.
Adobe (CC) Cleaner Tool is not a full-fledged program for uninstalling any software, it is a
console application that works in coordination with You. Ie You do not delete anything extra
besides what you have chosen. You decide yourself coordinating your actions with your
needs to remove.